“A”: Honestly, I used to ask myself the EXACT same question!!! Now all of my friends weren’t assholes, but there was one that a hoe and sis had different boyfriends catering to her, buying her things and loving on her REGULARLY and Im just like ZAMNNNNN what am i doing wrong!!! and it wasn’t until i payed closer attention until i realized that what she had WASNT what I wanted!! It was extremely toxic and filled with drama!! she didn’t know what she wanted, so she just gave anyone a chance and settled for what she could get regardless of how they treated her!!
NOW I’m not saying your friends are settling, but IT’S NEVER WHAT IT SEEMS! Being that they are your friends and you know them to be assholes, I want to point out to you that you know them as FRIENDS not as COMPANIONS. Sooooo you have no idea who they are inside of their relationship. —As in I had a friend who was TOUGH and BITCHY on the outside, but within her relationship she was soft and kind. Which is how your asshole of friends may be. OR they may be complete Assholes and are making their companion’s life a living hell, EITHER WAY, it’s not your place to put the pressure on yourself of comparing yourself to someone and questioning why you don’t have something someone else has.
It’s your place to respect yourself enough to know that your time is coming. It’s your place to continue to be the best person you can be while being open to allowing new people into your life.
Having been in your position, I had to learn that I wa single, because I wasn’t willing to settle for the nonsense that was around me. I knew what I wanted and didn’t plan on lowering the standards for someone who didn’t deserve it. While that is a very lonely process, it also allows you to get to know yourself and focus on the things you need to focus on.
Your time is coming! And will come when you least expect it. It hasn’t come because your’e not willing to settle on the pressures around you. It also hasn’t come because you may not be ready for a relationship and the best way to get ready is to focus on being the best version of yourself.
Try taking some time to write out EXACTLY what is is you want in a companion and in your relationship overall that way when someone comes along you can tell right away if they are qualified to fulfill your relationship needs. Write it out so you know for yourself, because sometimes we thin k we know what we want and we don’t…. Write it out so you can then put it out in the universe and manifest your deepest desires because we are what we think, say and do!!
Soooo start being a better you and I promise you, your time will come!!